Terms of Use
1. You acknowledge that you are 18 years or older.
2. You agree to abide by the Posting Rules and Terms of Use.
3. You grant 123gogolf.com the right to use and/or publish your posts, as 123gogolf.com sees fit without limitation, irrevocably and forever, royalty free.
4. That you own or control all of the information that you provide (text or Media), that it is accurate and does not violate our Terms of Use and/or Posting Rules.
5. You indemnify and hold harmless 123gogolf.com from any action or claim arising out of, or in connection with your posts, without limitations and including reasonable attorney’s fees.
6. You agree to promptly notify 123gogolf.com if it is believed that your intellectual property rights have been infringed by sending immediate notice to admin@123gogolf.com.